Features of our monitoring software

Web interface

Full Administration from the web interface.

Central console

View current status of the platform in left frame, always visible.

Operation console

Processing of alerts for better control of resolution.

High customization

Verification of potential false positives.

Web interface

Full Administration from the web interface.
Verification of potential false positives. Setting the retry check in each cycle. Setting the seconds to wait between each retry. Configuration cycles needed to confirm state. Setting the interval and schedule checking service.
Configuration of cycles required to notify state. Setting texts sent in the notifications.
Possibility to have multiple users with different privileges and views.
LDAP support
Possibility of using user authentication using the corporate LDAP.


Manual and scheduled reports. We can get status historial, actions historial, availability, failure frequency, responses, response times and tend data with charts in XLS, CSV, HTML and PDF format. Report templates with weights, schedules and action thresholds. Provide maximum, minimum, average and sum reports.
Responses charts
Daily, weekly, monthly and annual responses charts.
Response times charts
Daily, weekly, monthly and annual response times charts.

Central console

Central console
View current status of the platform in a unique frame, always visible. Given the current state of the platform at all times.
Recent availability
Availability of services in last 24 hours, in central console, in services groups and in services.
Manual checks
Manual checks of services at any time from the web to verify alerts.

Operation console

Operation actions
Processing of alerts for better control of resolution. We can assign, unassign and comment alerts.
Auto-remote actions
Possibility to run remote script in case of alert.
Possibility of maintenance services in case of intervention, so their availability is not affected.
Mail and SMS notifications. Configuring different notifications for each user.
Configuring guards for each user.
Configuring interventions for each user.

Check types

The services are verified by requesting to an IP and port using a specific protocol, and waiting for the correct answer. Only a operator is used and a value to consider the service as Ok. Additionally, a response time limit for the service considered as Warning and other response time limit to be considered as unavailable Error.
The resources are verified by measuring their values, waiting that are within the defined thresholds. Two operators and values are used, one to consider the service as Warning and other as Error. With resources, response time limits not is necessary.
Active checks
Active checks are executed locally, from the server to the client server monitor. These checks can be executed on demand from the web interface at any time.
Passive checks
Passive checks are executed remotely on the client server, sending the response to the monitor server. These checks can not be executed on demand from the web interface.
Warning and Error.
Warning, Error, Maintenance, Ok and Disabled.

Error Status

The answer does not match the expected or matches the defined error threshold.
Response is not obtained within the time specified.
We don't get response.

Warning Status

get response after the defined timeout.
get an error before the Ok in one cycle.
matches the defined error threshold.
command check not running.

Maintenance Status

Maintenance manual by user.
Scheduled maintenance.
Auto-maintenance after hours check.

Reference customers

France Telecom

Monitoring the infrastructure of France Telecom in Spain, with over 3,000 resources and 1,000 services.

Junta de Andalucía

Monitoring the infrastructure of Junta de Andalucía in Spain, with over 6,000 resources and 2,000 services.


Monitoring the database infrastructure of CaixaBank in Spain, with over 40,000 resources and 10,000 services.